
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns



Our Uniform

All students are expected to wear full uniform and to have appropriate equipment as listed below.

Please note : items in italics must be branded, all others can be generically purchased.

  • Black blazer with the academy crest – Blazer sleeves should not be rolled up.

  • Plain white shirt – This should not be a ‘fashion’ shirt but a standard school shirt. The top button must be able to be fastened.

  • Plain white blouse – this alternative to a shirt can be worn ONLY with the kilt. Students choosing to wear a blouse and kilt do not need to wear a tie.

  • Black trousers – Trousers must be smart black trousers, which would be acceptable in a professional working environment. Skinny fit trousers, jeans or cords are not acceptable, nor are trousers with additional decoration such as fashion zips or back pockets. Trousers should be long enough to cover the ankle.

  • School kilt.

  • Sleeveless pullover with the academy crest :

    • Years 7/8 – Charcoal grey sleeveless pullover with red stripe

    • Years 9/10/11 – Black sleeveless pullover with red stripe

  • Tie – Ties must be worn up to the collar so the top button is not seen, the front of the tie should display six stripes and the knot should be an appropriate size.

    • Years 7/8: Lower school tie – red with fine black stripes

    • Years 9/10/11: Upper school tie – black with fine red stripes

  • Formal black shoes – plain black, matt or patent leather style, and appropriate for all weather conditions. Trainers, canvas shoes, suede, sandals, skate shoes or boots, are not acceptable, nor are shoes that have additional decoration or accessories. Footwear must not have visible branding such as sports logos (Adidas, Nike etc), or designer motifs (Vans, Converse, Timberland etc). If a student wears training shoes or other footwear due to a foot or ankle injury, then a medical note will be required to confirm the need of such footwear and he/she may have to remain in school during breaks to prevent making the injury worse.

  • Socks must be plain black, trainer socks are acceptable.

Summer Uniform

Staff will confirm when summer uniform may be worn.

  • Black blazer – Removed during lessons.
  • Sleeveless pullover – Optional dependent upon weather.
PE Kit
  • Sky blue polo shirt.
  • Black nylon or cotton shorts.
  • Manor CE Academy navy blue/gold rugby shirt with school crest OR Manor CE Academy navy blue hoodie with school crest.
  • Socks :
    • Long black football socks
    • White sport socks
  • Trainers – laced, non-marking sports trainers.
  • Football boots.
  • Shin pads.
  • Gum shields are recommended for cricket, hockey, rugby, etc.
  • During the winter months pupils can wear black leggings or black tracksuit bottoms.

Please note : As the academy phases out the navy coloured PE shorts / socks / leggings over the next academic year to make the PE kit more universal, new Year 7 starters should look to purchase black versions of these items. Navy blue items that may have already been purchased or acquired will be acceptable for the academic year 2023-24.


will also continue to have a supply of the navy versions for replacement for older year groups over the 2023-24 academic year.

Outdoor wear
  • All students are expected to bring a suitable coat or jacket to keep them warm whilst they are outside at break or lunchtime.
  • Hoodies are not appropriate as outdoor protective clothing, and are not permitted in the academy.
Hair, make-up and jewellery
  • Students are not permitted to wear noticeable makeup. False eyelashes, heavy mascara, eye shadow, lipstick, bronzer / blusher, and excessive brow make-up is not acceptable. Students who are deemed to be wearing an excessive amount of make-up will be sanctioned in accordance with the behaviour policy, and be expected to remove said make-up immediately.
  • For health and safety reasons, we do not allow any piercings other than two plain pair of ear studs, or a nose stud.Ìý False nails, coloured nail varnish, or fingernails that are excessively long are not permitted. Students who arrive at the academy with additional body piercings (eyebrow, helix, nose etc) will be expected to remove them immediately. It is not acceptable to simply cover them with a plaster. Nail varnish will be removed, and excessively long nails will be trimmed.
  • One discreet bracelet can be worn – charm bracelets are not acceptable.Ìý
  • Hair must be of a natural colour, and of an appropriate style (no mohawks, tramlines, grade 0/1 shaven etc).
Equipment list

Suitable bag, pens (blue or black and purple ink minimum), pencil, pencil sharpener, highlighter pen, ruler, and a scientific calculator.

Art / Technology : Overall OR apron to protect clothing.

Dance: Comfortable loose trousers, T-shirt or vest top, OR PE kit.

All uniform and equipment should be clearly marked with student’s name.